Thursday, June 21, 2018

On 43

Working on issue 43, which is going to be one of these 'turning point' issues. At the moment 8 pages remain undone. Exchanged to days this would be 8 days approximately. But it's time for some holiday. One week of that. And on 16th I have a class starting at Cable Factory.
Estimate is that issue 43 will be done by the end of July.
Meanwhile: issue 42 is coming from the printer next week. It will be mailed to subscribers soon after. With this issue comes a treat: KTL in Teneriffa 'novel'of 20 pages. Only for subscribers.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Now it can be viewed.

Saturday, June 02, 2018


For whatever reason my comics class at aalto is not getting students. Information of its existence doesn't seem to reach the students. Or what?
 The minor subject has been a success. Books like Eeva Meltio's Pedot, Hanneriina Moisseinen's Kannas, Viivi Rintanen's Mielisairaalan kesätyttö and Suvi Ermilä's Hauho have been developed during the program.
Maybe time to move on to something else. I have enjoyed teaching and found it meaningful, but Aalto is not the place it was when I started 1998. But the students. They still come with the same enthusiasm and talent. And if I can I will continue. Either at Aalto or someplace else.