Sunday, May 31, 2020

4 real

Have been trying something. If everything goes good issue 52 will be in color. Actually a bit excited about this! The plan was there  for a long time and things have been leading to it. Making the colors is a bit messy. As you might have guessed I'm not doing them in any sensible way but well... The color separation will be done by hand. And that's not all. Trying something I haven't done before. Interesing to see how this'll play out.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


One issue to go. Not counting the extras

Friday, May 22, 2020

Still and sort of

Still looking for a spot for Suomaan kansan muinaisusko. Haven't really offered it to so many places, only two, but the problem is I sort of can't think of any that would be possible. Twice a month would be ideal, even once, same size as before or bigger. Yes, well if any (Finnish) paper comes to mind, let me know.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

In a week

Issue 53 should be finished in a week. This means I have something like 30 pages left to draw of the actual book. Yes, really. Since the "notes" (more like additions) shouldn't be more more 50 pgs, I'm looking at October/November to have it all over snd done with. But the book version... With the pandemy and all I wouldn't wait for it before June 2021. But you never know. The French and English editions come when they come if they come. Pretty sure that there are no problems with the French edition but with the English edition, might take some time.

Saturday, May 09, 2020


Issue 53 is very close to being done. Unlike issue 52 this hasn't been especially FUN to do. It's an issue which tie some loose ends and it's more about things I HAVE to do than things I WANT to do. This really has been a thing with Läskimooses: many things have happened just because I wanted to do them, many of them probably not entirely necessary for the BIG story. But maybe that is the big story? Yes, probably.
It has taken nine years to finish. Still, I would say, 60 to 80 pages need to be drawn. That includes the "notes". All should be done by Christmas.
And I already miss the world. Would very much like to continue the Suomaa strip, maybe in larger size, BUT that's a newspaper strip and doesn't look too much that any paper would like to run it. Have to look into it later this year. Some great untold stories there.

Monday, May 04, 2020


Now that there's ten pages and one whole issue undone I can tell you a bit more of the secret extra issue that I  have been calling the "notes". More like notes it's additions. Stuff that could've been in the thiginal run but for whatever reason wasn't. I will start to work on these 30 to 50 pages in September. The longest fragment is over 8 pgs and it reveals something extra of the adventures of Ohto Äijönpoika. Others are shorter.

I haven't any solid idea of  how these will be published. What I do know is that I will make the the material as if it was issue 55. With a cover and backcover and all. But will it be published as one, maybe not.

Saturday, May 02, 2020

Now and then

So now we're here. But actually issue 52 is drawn and 53 halfway through. Really. Means that I will be starting on issue 54 (the last) in June. The "notes" will be 30 to 50 pages and no idea yet on how they will be published. We will check this out in the fall. What started in 2012 will end in 2020. For me at least. I do have the sequal started, which is the Suomaa strips, but those I would like to publish first in a newspaper and since there's no newspaper interested... Ee'll see. But Läskimooses (Fatso in English) will be out as a book in 2021. Probably will be pretty soon translated to French and maybe in English (have a contract). Then it's really over.