Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Returning to Läskimooses. My publisher is currently scanning the 2 pager I was working on. As hard as ever to continue. Been going through some ideas for later issues and they're plenty. Plentiful. All I need is a chance to work on this monster. There are some pretty nice surprises coming along and then I will tie the bundle together in rather a nifty way.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Teaching more

I've mostly been teaching this week. And it is good. Maybe I should stick to this? Well...
2 days remaining.

Monday, December 12, 2016


This week I'm teaching at Theatre Academy in Helsinki. Teaching has become an important part of my life. More than a means to an end. And I would need an extra class for 2017 in order to make ends meet...but... choices are limited. At the moment I have 3 regular classes: freehand drawing on tuesdays at the open university, comics also at the open university and comics 3 at the day school of Aalto. Comics 3 is actually ending and the group is preparing their final works and new students can apply in May, I think. Anyways that leaves monday thursday and friday free for some class, if one should show up. Ofcourse I could compensate by selling art, but my art hasn't been in high demand.

Saturday, December 10, 2016



While working on the book I get these new separate ideas. Like the pretty funny set of superheroes whom I would place within the world of Läskimooses. And other ideas for several several new series. And three times I've tried to find funding to start new series drawn and written by different people. All stories intervining with each other. And I know this would work. Maybe the time will come. Maybe after Läskimooses I pick one of these ideas and bring it further. First I'll have to reach after Läskimooses.

Reading surviving

The book is missing 3 yrs of work. 3 yrs and then all the editing and adding and all that. I read some issues, some from the beginning, some from the middle. And it's not that bad. It'll be with the corrections the book I'm most happy I did. Eventually. So 3 yrs ahead. Next year (if I should be able to bring the main story to a turning point, 2018 the conclusion of the main story more or less. Then a four issue Kalevala special and then the final four or so issues. Not many things I can cut off and this'll span 1200 pgs minimum. It was supposed to be an experiment and there is a lot of interesting stuff I've encountered. But...three years. And the schedule here depends on the luck I'll have with grants. Already now I'm in a spot where I really should find at least one more class or some other paying job. And ofcourse that's time out of the book. And it drags on. But I see the ending and it really isn't a disappointment. A cool sort of ending that I won't give away.

Friday, December 09, 2016

Corrections and editing

It was the idea when starting that when the series is finished I will edit it and correct mistakes. Now this correction seems to mean correcting the grammar and correcting the parts of the story that don't work for whatever reason. I know of three spots where the text is inadequate and I would like to work on it. Due to the process of working and due to the fact that this thing isn't really bringing in any money - more of the contrary - the natural place to do these corrections is when the book is translated to English and published in three or four volumes. Well for the moment there aren't anyone jumping to the oppurtunity and most likely this won't happen before the book is finished, but in a way I'm all set. There have been disappointments, but plan is to continue even if I can only do four issue next year and the thing drags on. I'll adjust.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

100 portraits or so

I do portraits from photos.
100€ each. Size: 15x15cm. Done with Textmark markers (Light resistant).
These will later(or sooner) be collected to a book. Send three pictures for me to pick from.
Contact: mattihagelberg (at)gmail.com

Wednesday, December 07, 2016


Basically ready to give up. At least two yrs remaining of this craziness. Feels more like a mental illness than anything else. On the other hand there are quite nifty stuff coming along. Stuff I'd like to tell. Decisions decisions.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I continue the 2 pager and now starting to feel confident. Still requires 7 panels and some texts. Then translation to English and the colors. Should be titled THE SETTING OF THE LIGHT.

The story takes place between some panels in issue 23.

Friday, November 25, 2016

This thing

Working on a thing for A magazine. Two pages approximately 20 panels. As usual I'm working in the same size that it'll be published. Small panels, but I got a nice start. Should take a week to draw, couple of days to translate anď couple of days to color. I'm already getting ideas for Läskimooses.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


You know that moment when you are positive that you can't draw that you can't write? You know it? Well the moment is now.

Monday, November 21, 2016

trying 34


Thought up a concept for a new book. I have these waiting in line, but this is somewhat different. There's a possibility to go to new directions. Textwise mostly. Oh well...Läskimooses will require 3 or 4 yrs and who knows after that. And I know I won't have time and or opportunity to start and finish all the things I would really like to do. It's not possible unfortunately. But I would like to do one piece of depth and layers and truth.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

My second oil

I'm going to try some things. Maybe do some more. This is 60x60 cm. Soon for sale at Taidelainaamo.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Issue 34 has gone really well. Next week it  should be finished. After that I'm going to do a 2 pgr for one magazine, think the first draft of the script is now done. But Läskimooses...yes moving along. A weird trip. Have to do it one issue at time. Most missing pieces now found which doesn't mean there won't be changes. And page 1000 getting closer. I will let you know when this happens.
Quite happy with the current storyline, one of the main storylines in the book. Things are building up to certain points. In only few issues you'll know more. Excelsior!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


A piece that was not on its place fell to its place and so the issues to follow issue 33 are:
-34, Lieskan ensileimaus
-35, Kullan kirkastuminen
-36, (material from powerbook)
-37, I'm with stupid
-38, (monkey business)
This clarified a lot for me. The story of Agner Mang split in two and concluded only after issue 38 with:
-39, Säteiden neuvosto
-40, (Helvetillisiä juttuja)

-41, (what happened to Fu on earth)
-42, Kappaleiden kokoomus
-43, Viimeisten aikojen alussa
-44, Finiittien nousu
Etc...at least 10 issues more

Haha, looks like It's not going to be 50 issues and 1200 pages. More like 55. Maybe not 60.

Friday, November 11, 2016

4 yrs

So 2017 I will work on Läskimooses and reach issue 42 maybe, 2018 I will work on Läskimooses and reach issue 49 maybe, 2019 I will work on Läskimooses and reach the end of the story, 2020 I will work on the book of additions and finish it maybe. Then 4 yrs gone and maybe new president in U.S.A.

Saturday, October 29, 2016


First there's the book proper version 1 which will run a further 15 issues and reach 1200 pages maybe more. Second comes version 2, an edited book format or not with some added pages and corrected grammar. Third there's the actual book of additions with very cool stories (Kullervo) that didn't quite make the book, fragments... all sorts of drawing and writing. This is how I see at the moment and yes I'm excited.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

You know

That even though I sometimes question the sanity and quality of this project it still has the over 800 pages and eventually God willing the 1500 or what pages. And though the book is silly and don't know what there is something something and at places the something shines through. And for now that's enough for me.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Issues 1 to 32

IF anyone feels an urge to write something of this project in a blog or elsewhere, contact me or my publisher for digital files (or the actual comic books) with translation in English. This thing is not a SECRET.

Friday, October 07, 2016

Tuesday, October 04, 2016


Issue 33 is proceeding. 2 pages undone then some work with the texts and colors for front and back cover. Issue 32 is in printer and might come out any day now. These issues tell about Agner Mang. Also issues 34 and 35 which I hope to finish this year. Yes I know it's crazy and I know I shouldn't have started and I know I should stop and soon. But.

A page from a project I put aside 2012

Called "the Handbag"

Friday, September 23, 2016

2 yrs

In 2 years I'm pretty close to the ending of the story. Not end of the project, but the ending of the actual story-story. Just made some additions there to that area. Oh but still long way to go. The current Fu-storyline runs until issue 36 or 37 and then I'm facing what has felt like one of the most difficult parts of the story. Probably not so hard when I get there, though. Anyways, this is the thing I do when I'm doing my thing.