Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Filling in

 Filling in the gaps.

The year has been pretty much about finishing some unfinished stuff. Läskimooses for one ofcourse, but not only. After concluding the "final" additions to the big book, I moved along to a collection of short stories (7 vuotta tii petissä), after that one I finished a short story left out of Läskimooses (Avaruusvelho #1), after that a very short thing  started in 2004 (Kekkonen²), after that moved along to the thing I pushed aside when starting Läskimooses (Maaseudun tulevaisuus). And that's where I am at the moment. Maaseudun tulevaisuus wasn't missing anything else than some texts and those I have been doing. Should be done by tomorrow. As for B.E.M. series, this is how it looks like:

( if everything goes, you know, as planned, haha)

#23, Avaruusvelho #1

#24, 7 vuotta tii petissä

#25, Kekkonen²

#26, Maaseudun tulevaisuus

#27, B.E.M.böle

#28, Nakupelle

#29, Näkymätön

#30, Suomaan kansan muinaisusko

Stick around and you'll find out. #23 is already in production, #24 will be out in French at least, #25 I will publish myself, rest of these, who knows.


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