Saturday, May 20, 2017

Unnecessary info

One panel short of finishing issue 36. That and correcting the text, maybe some fine tuning. This issue ended up to be 6 panel/page while I've lately been going with 4 panels/page. And I started with 2 panels/page. Well sort of at least. Many things to say. Next issue I don't know yet but trying to keep it in 24 pgs. Oh, but in issue 36 we have a visiting artist with a side story called The Funny Adventures of Lauri Kenttä. Who is this visiting artist then? You'll find out soon enough. But the plan is to have some person visiting each number this year. Any suggestions?
What else is new? Well summer is coming and I will have less time in the studio. Plan is to finish a quick 2 pager and then start with issue 37. Which I hope will be finished by the end of August. What further muddles things is this documentary that I'm on and which requires all sorts of arrangements. Like meeting a group of students tomorrow. And later on they also asked me to take a camera along to Venice when we're going. That's ok then, will do. Don't know exactly what I will film in there but I guess I'll find out when I'm there.

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