Tuesday, June 18, 2019


I edited the 52nd issue of Kuti. I put the issue together with the works of my former students. Good part of the stories were created within some of my classes. This fact made the editing easier than it otherwise would've been. I had a clear idea of the stories that were going to be in the issue. Without this prior knowledge (and the work done during the classes) the thing would've been much more difficult. The structure of the issue and the order of the stories was clear to me from the very beginning. I knew how I wanted to start the issue and how to end it. Susanna Kesänen's excelleng fragments played a big role in the overall choreography. The one/two pagers placed between longer pieces gave the issue a rhythm and meaning. They tied the separate pieces together.
I will probably not do this kind of editing thing very soon, but if I did, I would probably want to work close with the artists in a similar way that I do with my students. Now I feel a bit sorry that I haven't kept track of all the pieces done during my classes from 1998 to this day. Some real gems there. Some of them publushed somewhere later but not all. Hannerikna Moisseinen for example had a beautiful pictureless horse story in my class at Theatrw Academy years back. And then there was this one woman who did a color study with color pencils of the complete Lucky Luke book Tender foot. Memories...

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