Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Working on the secret issue, the notes, issue 55, whatever you like to call it. Should be a bit over 32 pages with some surprises and some light funny stuff. After finishing the exhausting issue 54 this one feels like vacation. Now rules can be bent as much as I want, no need to stick to any previous strategy. Still the same characters and (looks like) the same overall technique (marker on scraperboard). But some storytelling ways might take a somewhat different route. All and all it feels more relaxed.

Without the pandemic I might also take same time off, seeing friends, going to bookstores, restaurants, opers, but since things stand as they do I mostly continue the way I've done for most of 2020. All classes are remote and they will stay remote for most of 2021 too. Daily ride to the studio will be done with a bike as has been the case since February. Some day the pandemic will be over, though. Maybe then some celebration.

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