Sunday, March 05, 2023

Sort of

 I sort of have a plan to draw a small (one panel/page) book during next summer, 150 pgs or so. If it's possible. But to publish it I would need cash. Or a publisher.

More or less sure that Suomaan kansan muinaisusko will come out in the Fall. Exciting since this is the first time I'm with a major publisher (wsoy). We all remember how things went wrong with Otava, don't we?

Likely that Seitsemän vuotta tii petissä will also come out this year. This is a bit stressful, since I would've needed a grant to pay for the scanning and so far I haven't gotten one. Still, I think this will be solved eventually.

Kekkonen2 and Nakupelle would come out this year too BUT for these I absolutely need a grant. Both supposed to be self-published.

And then this 150 pgr. If I actually manage to draw it, it could come out also in the Fall, but haha need the money for it. I actually have a name for it and all BUT it's such a cool name that I will only reveal it later. 

For 2024 I would like to get Vajoava Ateneum first book out. This one will go to wsoy, if they take it AND if nothing bad happens. 

Maaseudun tulevaisuus could be published basically anytime, but I need a publisher. Same goes for B.E.M.böle.

In May this year I will start with book 2 of Vajoava Ateneum. I have plans that might be too crazy for wsoy, but we'll see. It should come out in 2025 anyways.

Suomaa book 2. Hard one. I have the synopsis and all, but for the moment Ateneum comes first. Maybe if some magazine wants to publish it in chapters?

2025 onwards I will try to finish the Ateneum series. Probably will probably.


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